difference between manual and electric treadmill

Electric vs. Manual Treadmills: Which One Should You Choose? Leave a comment

Treadmills are great for staying fit. They let you walk or run any time you want, inside your home or gym. But when you’re choosing a treadmill, you might wonder whether to go with an electric one or a manual one. Here’s a simple guide to help you understand the differences and decide which one might be better for you.

What is an Electric Treadmill?

Electric treadmills are powered by motors. This means you can adjust how fast you go with just a push of a button. They often have other cool features too, like ways to track your heart rate, how many calories you’ve burned, or even built-in programs that change your workout automatically. These treadmills are great if you want a variety of workouts and like tracking your progress digitally.

What is a Manual Treadmill?

Manual treadmills don’t have a motor. Instead, you move the belt with your own effort. This means the faster you walk or run, the faster the belt moves. Manual treadmills are usually lighter, smaller, and easier to store, which makes them suitable for smaller spaces. They’re also less expensive, which is great if you’re on a budget.

Differences Between Electric and Manual Treadmills

  • Power and Operation: Electric treadmills use a motor, so it’s easier to keep a steady pace. Manual treadmills need more effort from you to keep moving.
  • Features: Electric treadmills come with many features and settings. Manual treadmills are simpler, usually just showing basic info like time and speed.
  • Effort: You might get a more intense workout with a manual treadmill since you’re powering the belt. This could mean burning more calories.
  • Size and Moving: Manual treadmills are generally smaller and easier to move around or store away than electric ones.
  • Cost: Manual treadmills are cheaper both upfront and over time since they don’t have a motor or electronic parts that might need fixing.
  • Maintenance: Manual treadmills usually need less upkeep because they have fewer parts that can break.

Pros and Cons of Electric Treadmills


  • It has lots of features and is easy to use.
  • Better for long sessions or lighter workouts.
  • Suitable for tracking your progress with digital tools.


  • More expensive.
  • More extensive and heavier, so they need more space.

Pros and Cons of Manual Treadmills


  • It is more affordable and less likely to need repairs.
  • It is lighter and more accessible to put away if you need space.
  • It can provide a more challenging workout.


  • Fewer features.
  • Can be hard to use for beginners or less intense workouts.
  • Might be tough to keep a consistent speed.

Choosing the Right Treadmill

Think about what’s important for you. If you enjoy tech and comfort, or if you like to have varied, automated workouts, an electric treadmill might be best. If you want a simple, tough workout and don’t want to spend a lot, or you need something that saves space, a manual treadmill could be better.

Both electric and manual treadmills can help you get a good workout. It really comes down to what you’re looking for in a treadmill and what fits your lifestyle best. Whether you want the latest features or just a basic run, there’s a treadmill out there that’s right for you.

FAQs of Manual vs Electric Treadmill

Q1: Are manual treadmills better for improving endurance?

Yes, manual treadmills can help improve endurance because you have to work harder to keep the belt moving.

Q2: Can everyone use electric treadmills?

Yes, electric treadmills are suitable for all ages. They have features that make them safe and adjustable for anyone to use.

Q3: How much does it cost to maintain an electric treadmill?

Maintaining an electric treadmill can be costly. Sometimes, you might need to lubricate the belt, adjust it, or replace parts.

Q4: Can I do interval training on a manual treadmill?

Yes, you can do interval training on a manual treadmill by changing your running speed. It may take practice to switch speeds smoothly, though.

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